Prehistoric Rome - Reviews
Haley: II liked how she covered a lot of historical information, but slit it up a lot to make it easier to follow. Also the images she chose were really unique and helped give a better visual of this time period.
Savannah: I really liked the way she separated her blog up which a little writing, and then a picture, and then more writing. It gave a nice break between reading to look at the images.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Prehistoric Rome
Rome is considered the greatest power west of China. It served as a catalyst in spreading art and civilization, and they controlled commerce in the western mediterranean sea. Romes style was inspired by that of Greece, although they did come up with various aspects of life on their own. Those being: transportation, buildings, columns, extravagant ornamentation in furniture, vault and dome, and the discovery of concrete. They also had major developments of the arch, barrel vault, and domes. The structures that the Romans built served many different purposes such as: Religious, Law, Entertainment, and Memorial purposes. One of their greatest buildings was the Coliseum. The Coliseum seats 50,000 people, and is made up of concrete and stone. This monument is considered the prototype for all modern sports arenas, and was the location of gladiator fights as well as cultural events.
Another great monument was the Pantheon, it was commissioned by Marcus Agrippa, and rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian. It is a round temple with a dome, and it contains a very unique piece called the oculus. The oculus is 142 feet in diameter, and 142 feet high and contains the only lighting for this structure. This is considered the worlds largest un-reinforced concrete domes of the world. Virtuvius is the first architect that we know of, during 80 BC-15 BC. He was an architect, civil engineer, author, and military engineer. He believed that a structure must be solid, useful and beautiful. One of the best examples of vitruvian architect is the Maison Carree. The Maison Carree was located in the south of France and was built in 16 BC, and was also renovated by Marcus Agrippa.
There were various different residential dwellings for the Romans. There were the Insulas, which were large buildings that were mainly for the poor, Domus which were private town homes for the wealthy, and Villas, which were country houses for the wealthy as well. The Romans had an obsession with ornamentation, and the interior design during this time was mosaics, stucco, and frescoes. The floors were full of popular patterns, with black, gilt, and red colors. Furniture during this time was also very unique. It was primarily made of wood, metal , and stone. Their seats consisted of thrones, chairs, couches, and stools.

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Rome is considered the greatest power west of China. It served as a catalyst in spreading art and civilization, and they controlled commerce in the western mediterranean sea. Romes style was inspired by that of Greece, although they did come up with various aspects of life on their own. Those being: transportation, buildings, columns, extravagant ornamentation in furniture, vault and dome, and the discovery of concrete. They also had major developments of the arch, barrel vault, and domes. The structures that the Romans built served many different purposes such as: Religious, Law, Entertainment, and Memorial purposes. One of their greatest buildings was the Coliseum. The Coliseum seats 50,000 people, and is made up of concrete and stone. This monument is considered the prototype for all modern sports arenas, and was the location of gladiator fights as well as cultural events.
Another great monument was the Pantheon, it was commissioned by Marcus Agrippa, and rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian. It is a round temple with a dome, and it contains a very unique piece called the oculus. The oculus is 142 feet in diameter, and 142 feet high and contains the only lighting for this structure. This is considered the worlds largest un-reinforced concrete domes of the world. Virtuvius is the first architect that we know of, during 80 BC-15 BC. He was an architect, civil engineer, author, and military engineer. He believed that a structure must be solid, useful and beautiful. One of the best examples of vitruvian architect is the Maison Carree. The Maison Carree was located in the south of France and was built in 16 BC, and was also renovated by Marcus Agrippa.
There were various different residential dwellings for the Romans. There were the Insulas, which were large buildings that were mainly for the poor, Domus which were private town homes for the wealthy, and Villas, which were country houses for the wealthy as well. The Romans had an obsession with ornamentation, and the interior design during this time was mosaics, stucco, and frescoes. The floors were full of popular patterns, with black, gilt, and red colors. Furniture during this time was also very unique. It was primarily made of wood, metal , and stone. Their seats consisted of thrones, chairs, couches, and stools.

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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Prehistoric Greece - Reviews
Lisa: I really liked how she went into depth about the designs they used during this time period as well as well as saying what furniture they used and explaining what there furniture looked like.
Katie: I liked how Katie explained a lot in regards to the history of Greece, in terms other than just the furniture and design aspects of it.
Lisa: I really liked how she went into depth about the designs they used during this time period as well as well as saying what furniture they used and explaining what there furniture looked like.
Katie: I liked how Katie explained a lot in regards to the history of Greece, in terms other than just the furniture and design aspects of it.
Prehistoric Greece
Greek Civilization was considered to be the beginning of wester ideas and culture. They were masters of philosophy, science, fine arts, geography, medicine, legal systems and astronomy. The greek civilization was a very mountainous country, surrounded by three seas: Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian. The climate is hot summers, and bitter winters. Their main agricultural productions are grain, grapes, olives, and salt. They were the first to use marble in their design, and this is something they are known for, since they used such an abundance of it. The Golden Age came about during this specific era 480-400 BC. The parthenon was built during this time. It is the ancient temple on the Athenian Acropolis which was dedicated to the goddess Athena. The parthenon is the most important building thats still surviving in classical Greece, and is generally considered to be the example of Doric order.
The architecture, and interior designs during this period of time were very remarkable! Although, the greek domestic buildings were far less impressive than the public buildings. The houses were built of mud and brick on a stone foundation, with wooden framework and terra-cotta roof tiles. Similar to modern day homes their rooms were give specific purposes, although some of their rooms were reserved for use by different sexes. The floors of the interiors were plastered and the wealthy painted their floors. The floors also had mosaic techniques on them that were made of pebbles, glass and stone. The interior walls were un-plasetered mud bricks, with plastering as well as painting. Some of the motifs were floral or marine, egg or dart, and greek fret or key. The windows were placed high on the walls and the door frames were made of wood, stone or marble.
There furniture was very unique to this time period. Some important pieces of furniture were thrones, klismos, klines, and diphros. The throno was a formal chair of honor, the klismo was crafter out of wood with splayed legs and a curved back, the diphros was a stool with no arms or back, and the kline was a sofa bed and occasionally used for dining.
Greek Civilization was considered to be the beginning of wester ideas and culture. They were masters of philosophy, science, fine arts, geography, medicine, legal systems and astronomy. The greek civilization was a very mountainous country, surrounded by three seas: Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian. The climate is hot summers, and bitter winters. Their main agricultural productions are grain, grapes, olives, and salt. They were the first to use marble in their design, and this is something they are known for, since they used such an abundance of it. The Golden Age came about during this specific era 480-400 BC. The parthenon was built during this time. It is the ancient temple on the Athenian Acropolis which was dedicated to the goddess Athena. The parthenon is the most important building thats still surviving in classical Greece, and is generally considered to be the example of Doric order.
The architecture, and interior designs during this period of time were very remarkable! Although, the greek domestic buildings were far less impressive than the public buildings. The houses were built of mud and brick on a stone foundation, with wooden framework and terra-cotta roof tiles. Similar to modern day homes their rooms were give specific purposes, although some of their rooms were reserved for use by different sexes. The floors of the interiors were plastered and the wealthy painted their floors. The floors also had mosaic techniques on them that were made of pebbles, glass and stone. The interior walls were un-plasetered mud bricks, with plastering as well as painting. Some of the motifs were floral or marine, egg or dart, and greek fret or key. The windows were placed high on the walls and the door frames were made of wood, stone or marble.
There furniture was very unique to this time period. Some important pieces of furniture were thrones, klismos, klines, and diphros. The throno was a formal chair of honor, the klismo was crafter out of wood with splayed legs and a curved back, the diphros was a stool with no arms or back, and the kline was a sofa bed and occasionally used for dining.
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Thursday, January 21, 2016
Ancient Civilization - Reviews
Emma: I really liked how Emma talked about the figures that often stood outside of the palaces. I also really liked how she went into detail on Egypt as well as Nubia, because it provided me with a much better idea on how the two of theses are different but yet also similar!
Holli: I really enjoyed how Holli went into all the different aspects of this time period, especially with all of the details ion the different materials that were used. It helped me to get a better mental image on these pieces of furniture. The images she used were also a great addition to her post, they helped me to see how people incorporate these older styles into their homes today.
Emma: I really liked how Emma talked about the figures that often stood outside of the palaces. I also really liked how she went into detail on Egypt as well as Nubia, because it provided me with a much better idea on how the two of theses are different but yet also similar!
Holli: I really enjoyed how Holli went into all the different aspects of this time period, especially with all of the details ion the different materials that were used. It helped me to get a better mental image on these pieces of furniture. The images she used were also a great addition to her post, they helped me to see how people incorporate these older styles into their homes today.
Ancient Civilization
During the time period of Ancient Civilization there was a main focus on Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Nubia. Large towns and cities began to appear around 4000 BC. In this time period since food and shelter were secured, humans were able to put all their energy into complex inventions and the arts. There were a few advances made during this time such as: in mathematics, written laws, and sculptures. These sculptures were then stored in tombs of the pyramid. Architecture is shown in various different ways in this specific time. To begin with, architecture was primarily used to distinguish different classes of people. It was also used to show power and intimidate the viewer.
This time period put a huge emphasis on the materials used specifically for architecture as well as decorating. They used Mud, bricks, wood and stone, as well as the post and beam construction method used in earlier time periods. With the climate the way it was, it had a huge influence on design. It pushed them to have flat roofs, outdoor spaces, special window placement, and roof ventilators. The interior architecture and decor of this period was also different from that of other time periods. There homes consisted of mural paintings made with varnish or beeswax, inscriptions and relief sculptures, as well as columns made of sandstone. The great temple of Karnak located in Egypt is a great example of this, it is also the largest and most significant religious complex in the world. The furniture was also very unique, and influenced by many different things, religion being one of main importance.

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During the time period of Ancient Civilization there was a main focus on Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Nubia. Large towns and cities began to appear around 4000 BC. In this time period since food and shelter were secured, humans were able to put all their energy into complex inventions and the arts. There were a few advances made during this time such as: in mathematics, written laws, and sculptures. These sculptures were then stored in tombs of the pyramid. Architecture is shown in various different ways in this specific time. To begin with, architecture was primarily used to distinguish different classes of people. It was also used to show power and intimidate the viewer.
This time period put a huge emphasis on the materials used specifically for architecture as well as decorating. They used Mud, bricks, wood and stone, as well as the post and beam construction method used in earlier time periods. With the climate the way it was, it had a huge influence on design. It pushed them to have flat roofs, outdoor spaces, special window placement, and roof ventilators. The interior architecture and decor of this period was also different from that of other time periods. There homes consisted of mural paintings made with varnish or beeswax, inscriptions and relief sculptures, as well as columns made of sandstone. The great temple of Karnak located in Egypt is a great example of this, it is also the largest and most significant religious complex in the world. The furniture was also very unique, and influenced by many different things, religion being one of main importance.

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Sunday, January 17, 2016
Prehistoric - Reviews.
Amanda: I really liked the way that Amanda went about describing this time period, i think she did a really good job at providing a lot of details. I also really liked her choice of pictures because they helped to give a much better idea on how this design type is incorporated into current applications.
Angie: Angie's post was full of a lot of information and contained a lot of details which I really liked. She also provided a lot of details on the specific materials used, and the things they can make to incorporate into their homes. I also liked that Angie provided an example of post and lintel construction used in construction today.
Amanda: I really liked the way that Amanda went about describing this time period, i think she did a really good job at providing a lot of details. I also really liked her choice of pictures because they helped to give a much better idea on how this design type is incorporated into current applications.
Angie: Angie's post was full of a lot of information and contained a lot of details which I really liked. She also provided a lot of details on the specific materials used, and the things they can make to incorporate into their homes. I also liked that Angie provided an example of post and lintel construction used in construction today.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Prehistoric Periods
The prehistoric period dates back to 17,000 BC, and there were two different ages; The Paleolithic, and the Neolithic. Caves were the earliest form of shelters for humans at this time. The caves in Lascaux, France the walls are composed of 1500 engravings, as well as 600 figures such as animals, humans, and symbols. They used charcoal to create these various drawings on the cave walls. Decoration was not a main concern for humans back then because their main focus was survival, as well as protection. The earliest example of a home was the Skara-Brae which was in a neolithic village in Scotland in 2,000 to 1500 BC. This home was made out of stone and contain various different built ins such as: shelving, sleeping platforms, and other furniture. The homes in this time period were decorated with various different hand made items by the people living in these homes. The colors were all natural of course, and the walls were composed of art that they provided by drawing them on the walls. The way that these houses were designed as well as organized were based on functionality. The stonehenge was a result during the neolithic period which was the true inspiration on architecture. It consisted of the "Post and Lintel" construction. The posts being being the vertical stones, and the Lintel being the horizontal beam. The construction of the stonehenge was very durable and the construction of it inspired the construction of the later homes. Another interesting thing about this time period is that they based their decisions on their homes purely on the location, this being because like i said protection and survival is everything to them. Also you'll notice in the pictures that they didn't decorate with unnecessary stuff because it made it harder to move. They didn't want to carry a lot of random stuff just for decoration purposes. Although, thy still decorate they just decorate with various different things that they can use in there everyday life.
The prehistoric period dates back to 17,000 BC, and there were two different ages; The Paleolithic, and the Neolithic. Caves were the earliest form of shelters for humans at this time. The caves in Lascaux, France the walls are composed of 1500 engravings, as well as 600 figures such as animals, humans, and symbols. They used charcoal to create these various drawings on the cave walls. Decoration was not a main concern for humans back then because their main focus was survival, as well as protection. The earliest example of a home was the Skara-Brae which was in a neolithic village in Scotland in 2,000 to 1500 BC. This home was made out of stone and contain various different built ins such as: shelving, sleeping platforms, and other furniture. The homes in this time period were decorated with various different hand made items by the people living in these homes. The colors were all natural of course, and the walls were composed of art that they provided by drawing them on the walls. The way that these houses were designed as well as organized were based on functionality. The stonehenge was a result during the neolithic period which was the true inspiration on architecture. It consisted of the "Post and Lintel" construction. The posts being being the vertical stones, and the Lintel being the horizontal beam. The construction of the stonehenge was very durable and the construction of it inspired the construction of the later homes. Another interesting thing about this time period is that they based their decisions on their homes purely on the location, this being because like i said protection and survival is everything to them. Also you'll notice in the pictures that they didn't decorate with unnecessary stuff because it made it harder to move. They didn't want to carry a lot of random stuff just for decoration purposes. Although, thy still decorate they just decorate with various different things that they can use in there everyday life.
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