The Italian Renaissance period took place from 1400 until 1600. It was considered the "rebirth" which began in florence, Italy. During this time the Roman Catholic church became very powerful, there was also a big movement towards humanism, and residential design began to get a lot more popular. Everyone through Italy was interested in the arts; the rich and the poor. In regards to their design style they centered it around comfort, convenience and beauty instead of safety, strength, and protection.
One of the finest achievements of the Italian Renaissance was the Italian Renaissance palace (Palazzo). This palace had power and influences of the prominent families such as the medici family. Lorenzo de' Medici was a prominent family, business man, banker, and patron of the arts. The florence Cathedral was also a very important architectural building during this time. It was constructed by brunellschi who was an architect, sculptor, and mechanical engineer. He was the first acknowledged renaissance architect. Also, this building was inspired by the pantheon. These all followed the renaissance palazzo facade-referring to the general shape, proportion and a cluster of characteristics, rather than a specific design. Such as symmetry, compound repeated window, as well as project cornice.

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