During the gothic time period paris was considered the center of the gothic world, while churches were the center of the city life. Creating new rivals between the city states and nations. During this time religion was the heart of the design. Wealth and power was strongly shown in these churches, although the larger numbers of worshipers required larger worship spaces. The architecture during this time was very important, and it was commonly though to be birthed from the romanesque architecture. They began using pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and fly buttresses. The rose window was also a very important aspect to the cathedrals during this time, as well as the tracery. The tracery is just the spaces between the stain glass windows. Cathedral buildings during this period were very tall with many stain glass windows, they also appeared to be very weightless. A few of the most popular cathedrals during this time were: Notre Dame Cathedral, Wells Cathedral, Regensburg Cathedral, Barcelona Cathedral, and Siena Cathedral.
Although the residential areas during this time were a little different. Very few of these homes still stand today. The interiors of the homes are very rich in color, materials, and decorations as well. A very common decoration is the linenfold motif that is apparent on various different furniture pieces. They also have evidence of tracery, which is similar to the cathedrals. The gothic time period is strongly known for the invention of the cupboard as well.

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Extra Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwKg4ESvYG4
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